Sunday, August 31, 2008

Advertising using Safelists

About Safelists,

Posting your ads on safelists is just one way of generating traffic for you're business.
A safelist is a group of people all willing to receive each others promotions and advertisements via email ,in the hopes that their promotion will generate more business.

Safelists are free to join, and members can send emails to other members every 24, 48 or 72 hours (depending on that particular safelists rules) . Sometimes, members have to wait 1 week before mailing again. Most safelists do allow you to mail the entire list every other day.

Safelists are listings where many marketers have agreed to receive each others emails. One drawback is that everyone is trying to sell something and there are few people that actually want to buy. In addition to that you will have to deal with tons of emails coming into you're inbox daily.

Some people on safelists do buy; and that's your market! You need for you're ad to stand out .Write something inticing , something they will want or need. You don't want to blast your business opportunity to another marketer unless you can offer something of value along with your business opportunity(i.e., free team training, free website to promote their business,quality products or services, residual income, etc.

There are many tens of thousands of members that have joined various safelists, and some safelists are more effective than others.

Basically, every single safelist member had to agree to receive your email. That makes these lists safer than simply mass-emailing (i.e. spam)

Safelists by definition are known as "opt-ins". An opt-in is when:

People actively choose to receive your message by signing up. People can opt-out or unsubscribe from the list at any time. The best type of opt-in list (the only ones we use) are known as double opt-in lists. The difference is that after a person signs up for the list, they MUST reply to an email to be activated. This cuts down on programs spamming the list with false emails and also guarantees that someone DID actually want to sign up.

So how does opt-in email benefit you as the marketer?

It enables you to get your message out to thousands of potential customers every single day (in some cases) --without being accused of SPAM. SPAM is a big NO-NO... regardless of what anyone might tell you. I hate SPAM!!!

Members that join Safelists can either send to part of the list or the entire list at a frequency set by the owner of the safelist Members can click on ads in emails that hey receive from other members to rack up even more credits for more mailings (advertisements to other members).

You can go to Traffic Hoopla
and find out the latest most popular safelists to join, or look below for my favorites:

Below is a list - in no particular order- of some of the most popular safelists which I have used and received sign-ups:







The traffic Secret-


Now onto Solo Ads and Ezines,

Unfornately 98% of all website owners have the same problem.... Not enough BUYERS! This is where Ezines come in. They can solve that problem for you! Traffic to your site alone is worthless. What you need is Traffic to your site combined with targeted prospects .That is what works. A Solo Ad is an advertisement longer than a classified ad which is mainly used in email newsletters (ezines) and is sent to an opt-in mailing list all by itself with no other advertisement with it.You can submit a Solo Ad to the owner of the ezine, and pay the one-time fee to send your ad to their list. When someone on that list clicks the link in the Solo ad and visits your website, they'll either make a purchase ,register to be on your list, or join your program. Now you are building your own list! See how that works? It doesn't make too much sense to struggle day after day to build your own list when you can use someone else's list to get started! Just make sure that your website has a capture form on it so that you can capture the name and email address of your prospect.You can then e-mail them your special offers, blog updates,sales member-only specials, etc. Your prospect will then take action when they are ready to do so... not one minute before. It's not that hard to place a capture page on your site. You just need the HTML code so you can put the form there. I've used both Aweber and GetResponse to build my own lists. Both programs have very easy to understand instructions on building your opt-in list, placing the HTML code to capture the subscriber information, as well as a wealth of information on list building techniques.

Ezine Ads

SoloAD- This ad is a mailing sent to the list of subscribers of the ezine. When you purchase a solo ad, it is the only thing seen by the reader, and it can often be much longer than a regular ad. It also sells for a high premium.

CLASSIFIED - Is a classified ad which is usually 60-65 characters per line and is between 3-5 lines long. These types of ads are usually grouped with other ads in their own selection.

TOP SPONSOR AD - A top sponsor ad can be located at the top of the ezine. This ad is shown in the first page view of the ezine therefor everyone sees it ,and it sells for a premium price.

MIDDLE SPONSOR AD - A middle sponsor ad will cost less than a sponsor ad but more than a bottom sponsor or classified ad is placed in the middle of the ezine generally after the first article. Sometimes it is called a second sponsor ad, and in some cases the ad appears within the featured article. Occasionally publishers will

BOTTOM SPONSOR AD - Located at the bottom of the ezine but not included with the classified ads. This spaces sells for more than a classified and less than a middle or sponsor ad.

SPONSOR AD - This is an ad that often has the title "a message from our sponsor"or "sponser" and is between and 65 characters per line and 7-12 lines.

7 Criteria Points to review before starting a Home Business

Did you ever read the book... "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki? How about "Multiple Streams of Income" by Robert Allen? Did you know that they both recommend network marketing companies - such as Success University - as a great way to make a "passive income".

Think about it... what could be better than earning a PASSIVE INCOME of up to $40,000 a month from just one activity!

When you're looking into ways to increase your income... I recommend you have the following questions in mind:

Is this a good company?
Do they offer a great product with tremendous value?
Do I have to stock Inventory?
Will they help me do what I need to do to be successful?
Are other people having tremendous success?
Will I have a coach... a mentor... someone to help me achieve success?
Can I trust this organization to be everything I want it to be?
If you'd like to see how Success University stacks up, please visit our website at:

ONE MORE THING: The prime mission of Success University is to make success and wealth as easy as possible for you. Thank you, in advance, for giving all of us here the opportunity to contribute to your ongoing success.

When you enroll, you'll be part of the #1 most popular learning opportunity on the Internet completely devoted to helping other people become a success.

To your Success!

Meet The Success University Team

Today I'm going to introduce you to our TEAM of leaders that will be here to support you if you decide to enroll in Success University.

With over a decade in the networking industry, I've found that one of the most important factors in your success is the TEAM you surround yourself with. These leaders are part of the Success University Advisory Board. What that means is that they are professionals in the networking industry and they donate their time every week in order to support YOU.

These are all individuals who have been chosen to be part of your support team because of their commitment to integrity, character and their 100% dedication to Success University. They are here for one purpose - to ensure that each and every student receives the SUPPORT they deserve.

Meet your support TEAM...

Johnny Wimbrey

National Training Director "As a motivational speaker and author Matt Morris joined Success University for two reason. First, this is exactly in line with his mission of helping to change people's lives around the world. Second, he knew that this would allow him to build a passive income that will come in every month for his family regardless of whether he is working or not.

When you enroll, you'll receive a recorded call of how Matt Morris earned over $100,000 in his first 3 1/2 months in the networking industry."


Ned & Cheryl Rae
"Hi Everyone! My wife and I were instantly excited about Success University because this type of education is what has allowed us to become top leaders in the networking industry. Matt Morris has also been our personal mentor for the past 5 years. Because of his leadership and training, I've been able to be a stay-at-home dad for the past several years and am earning a VERY healthy full-time income from home.

When you enroll, feel free to join me every Saturday where I host a Fast-Start Training call where I'll walk you through all my secrets of being successful. You can also ask me any question you would like to know on the call."


Trisha Smith
"I've been in the networking industry for the past 17 years and have never experienced the kind of success that I have here. The system is so SIMPLE that literally anyone with the desire to succeed can be a success here. In less than one year, my student organization has grown to over 100 countries with thousands of students.

I'll be at your service every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings where I hold an International presentation call for all Success University students and their guests."


Daegan Smith
"Hey guys, welcome to Success University. I joined last August with absolutely NO networking experience. I built my entire business online, without ever picking up the phone even once to enroll someone. I simply studied internet marketing and put together a foolproof way to build my downline. In only 90 days my team grew to 625 students and then after 6 months my team has grown to over 2,000 students.

When you enroll, you'll have access to my Internet Secrets ebook where I spell out EXACTLY how I built my business. I'll take you step-by-step (leaving no detail out) on how you can copy what I've done."


If you're ready to be part of the TEAM, and would like to be our next success story, simply follow the link below and we'll get you started on your journey to success.

Remember, all we ask is that you submit a $2 processing fee which will be donated 100% to Feed The Children. You can try us out for 14 Days without any obligation or committment...

Should I Enroll In Success University?

As a fellow "success seeker", I'm sure you might want to know a few of the main questions that most people ask before they enroll in Success University.

Question #1 - How much does it cost?

$2 U.S. Dollars for your first 14 Days as a processing fee. 100% of all processing fee's are donated to Feed The Children. In just the past few months, we've donated enough money to feed well over 1,000 children thanks to people like you. (Feel free to call them to verify.)

If you decide to continue your learning after the 14-Day Trial, you'll pay $49.95 a month which works out to about a cup of coffee a day. If you cancel before that, you only pay the $2 donation.

Question #2 - What's my risk? Is there a monthly commitment?

If you decide to cancel at any time, you just hit the cancel button in your back office or call our office at (972) 578-2109 and you'll never be billed anything ever again.

You can cancel at any time so there is no risk.

Question #3 - What do you receive when you enroll?

You'll have access to the entire Success University curriculum. This includes over 80 streaming audio and video courses that if you were to purchase on your own you'd pay thousands of dollars for.

You'll have access to the complete Jim Rohn Success Plan. This is a program that Jim Rohn, the worlds foremost business philosopher, has been selling for the past 2-3 years with a 90% retention rate. If you were to purchase this on your own through Jim you'd pay $199.

You'll have access to our Monthly Achievement Programs where you can receive a lesson each day, Monday through Friday, covering topics such as sales, fitness, marketing, networking and goal setting.

You'll also be given $848 in bonus courses as my way of saying thank you for enrolling. These are downloadable programs that, should you decide to cancel before the end of your 14-Day trial, you'll get to keep forever.

Question #4 - How do I make money?

This is a completely optional program, but Success University has been created so you can not only LEARN, you can also EARN at the same time!

Just like every other student, when you enroll, you'll be instantly given your own website. Chances are, I'm sending this email to you on behalf of one of our students. Your website, and these emails from me will do all the selling and explaining for you.

Your job is to simply drive traffic to your website. Don't worry though, when you join, we'll show you how to do that. As the #1 most visited personal development company and the #1 most visited referral marketing website on the Internet, we've mastered the art of training people how to do that!

Go here to check it out:
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