Sunday, August 31, 2008

Meet The Success University Team

Today I'm going to introduce you to our TEAM of leaders that will be here to support you if you decide to enroll in Success University.

With over a decade in the networking industry, I've found that one of the most important factors in your success is the TEAM you surround yourself with. These leaders are part of the Success University Advisory Board. What that means is that they are professionals in the networking industry and they donate their time every week in order to support YOU.

These are all individuals who have been chosen to be part of your support team because of their commitment to integrity, character and their 100% dedication to Success University. They are here for one purpose - to ensure that each and every student receives the SUPPORT they deserve.

Meet your support TEAM...

Johnny Wimbrey

National Training Director "As a motivational speaker and author Matt Morris joined Success University for two reason. First, this is exactly in line with his mission of helping to change people's lives around the world. Second, he knew that this would allow him to build a passive income that will come in every month for his family regardless of whether he is working or not.

When you enroll, you'll receive a recorded call of how Matt Morris earned over $100,000 in his first 3 1/2 months in the networking industry."


Ned & Cheryl Rae
"Hi Everyone! My wife and I were instantly excited about Success University because this type of education is what has allowed us to become top leaders in the networking industry. Matt Morris has also been our personal mentor for the past 5 years. Because of his leadership and training, I've been able to be a stay-at-home dad for the past several years and am earning a VERY healthy full-time income from home.

When you enroll, feel free to join me every Saturday where I host a Fast-Start Training call where I'll walk you through all my secrets of being successful. You can also ask me any question you would like to know on the call."


Trisha Smith
"I've been in the networking industry for the past 17 years and have never experienced the kind of success that I have here. The system is so SIMPLE that literally anyone with the desire to succeed can be a success here. In less than one year, my student organization has grown to over 100 countries with thousands of students.

I'll be at your service every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings where I hold an International presentation call for all Success University students and their guests."


Daegan Smith
"Hey guys, welcome to Success University. I joined last August with absolutely NO networking experience. I built my entire business online, without ever picking up the phone even once to enroll someone. I simply studied internet marketing and put together a foolproof way to build my downline. In only 90 days my team grew to 625 students and then after 6 months my team has grown to over 2,000 students.

When you enroll, you'll have access to my Internet Secrets ebook where I spell out EXACTLY how I built my business. I'll take you step-by-step (leaving no detail out) on how you can copy what I've done."


If you're ready to be part of the TEAM, and would like to be our next success story, simply follow the link below and we'll get you started on your journey to success.

Remember, all we ask is that you submit a $2 processing fee which will be donated 100% to Feed The Children. You can try us out for 14 Days without any obligation or committment...

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