Sunday, August 31, 2008

Should I Enroll In Success University?

As a fellow "success seeker", I'm sure you might want to know a few of the main questions that most people ask before they enroll in Success University.

Question #1 - How much does it cost?

$2 U.S. Dollars for your first 14 Days as a processing fee. 100% of all processing fee's are donated to Feed The Children. In just the past few months, we've donated enough money to feed well over 1,000 children thanks to people like you. (Feel free to call them to verify.)

If you decide to continue your learning after the 14-Day Trial, you'll pay $49.95 a month which works out to about a cup of coffee a day. If you cancel before that, you only pay the $2 donation.

Question #2 - What's my risk? Is there a monthly commitment?

If you decide to cancel at any time, you just hit the cancel button in your back office or call our office at (972) 578-2109 and you'll never be billed anything ever again.

You can cancel at any time so there is no risk.

Question #3 - What do you receive when you enroll?

You'll have access to the entire Success University curriculum. This includes over 80 streaming audio and video courses that if you were to purchase on your own you'd pay thousands of dollars for.

You'll have access to the complete Jim Rohn Success Plan. This is a program that Jim Rohn, the worlds foremost business philosopher, has been selling for the past 2-3 years with a 90% retention rate. If you were to purchase this on your own through Jim you'd pay $199.

You'll have access to our Monthly Achievement Programs where you can receive a lesson each day, Monday through Friday, covering topics such as sales, fitness, marketing, networking and goal setting.

You'll also be given $848 in bonus courses as my way of saying thank you for enrolling. These are downloadable programs that, should you decide to cancel before the end of your 14-Day trial, you'll get to keep forever.

Question #4 - How do I make money?

This is a completely optional program, but Success University has been created so you can not only LEARN, you can also EARN at the same time!

Just like every other student, when you enroll, you'll be instantly given your own website. Chances are, I'm sending this email to you on behalf of one of our students. Your website, and these emails from me will do all the selling and explaining for you.

Your job is to simply drive traffic to your website. Don't worry though, when you join, we'll show you how to do that. As the #1 most visited personal development company and the #1 most visited referral marketing website on the Internet, we've mastered the art of training people how to do that!

Go here to check it out:

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