Thursday, October 23, 2008

A little about Me,

Hello, my name is Linda Eisenbeis . I'd never considered being a business owner or someone
that did any sort of online Internet network marketing. I'd had a career in cosmetic retail sales- then after 14 years started a new career for a large retail merchandising firm as a recruiter. I managed a huge territory of 13 states and was physically and emotionally exhausted 7 days a week! Needles to say, this is Not how I wanted to spend the rest of my life, working myself to death only to fill the pockets of the company owner who was most likely at some beautiful resort sipping on Margaritas! Now, I'm not saying I don't want to work. The work isn't what bothered me. It was the fact that I was no better off financially approaching the age of 50 than I was when I first started working at age 18. Finally it sunk in, a wake up call......I am responsible for my future and if I want things to be better I am going to have make some changes. I mean, here I was working 40 to 60 hours per week for someone else , I was making them wealthy and I was never going to be able to retire from that job. I decided that was enough.
If you have been looking for a home business, how many times have you seen this: A man or woman sitting in front of a mansion, with fancy Italian sports cars parked outside, or maybe you see them boarding a private jet. The people selling these ‘business opportunities’ are really trying to sell you a dream, of untold riches with little or no work.
I’m sure that happens……once in a blue moon. Some people have the background, the knowledge and luck to take one of these things and make a killing real fast. But that’s not the truth for everybody, and more importantly it’s not something that everybody wants to do! Most people don't want a mansion and a private jet. Most people just want to be able to have the money to do the things they want to do without worrying about whether or not the electricity bill gets paid or if they can afford to take the family out to a movie once a month, or if they can afford to send their children to college or put gas in the cars to get to work!
Sure it would be nice to have a couple million fall into your lap, but I find that most people are just looking for more modest goals. Like making an extra $200, $2000 or $5000 a month. They don’t want a palace in the Bahamas, but they would like to have options, the ability to make choices of how to spend their money instead of having every cent that comes in go out just to pay the bills. Like the old saying goes.... we all want to have more money at the end of the month... not more month at the end of the money!
What if I told you that I knew of a way that you could be trained from the top successful leaders in the sales, Internet marketing, financial and relationship experts in the world. You would be learning from people that are PROVEN to be successful in so many areas of their lives. They are millionaires. Would you rather learn from millionaires or would you rather learn from people who "fake it until they make it"? What do you want to be doing 5 years from now? What are you doing today to help you get there? If you have no idea how you are going to get from "here to there" ... then you need SuccessUniversity. Live your life on purpose.
The training system I provide is what can make that a reality. It is designed to allow you to pursue and attain YOUR vision of success, whatever that is. The people on our team are everyday people just like you and me that have decided to not let life push them around anymore. They have decided to take action and make a positive change in their lives and in the lives of people they know. Maybe they want to pay off their credit cards, buy a new car for a change, retire from their J.O.B. without worrying about their pension being eaten up by the stock market... or maybe they want to donate to worthy causes like Babies First, Schools For Schools or they want to help inner-city children or donate money to the American Heart Association. Whatever the reasons are... we have thousands of people on our team achieving their goals each and every day. It's YOUR turn!It comes down to this: Our Training System is REAL. It can produce the income level you want, depending on what YOU want and the time and effort YOU want to devote to it. That’s it!
But it also comes down to this: If you don’t take advantage of this opportunity to start creating the income you desire now, and if you don't let our team's exclusive training site start working for you, it won’t make you any money at all. Period. Success University is all about helping people reach higher levels of achievement through the power of personal development.My offer is not for everyone. The reality is that 1 out of 10 people really have what it takes to actually make money online. It doesn't come down to how much you know or how much money you have. It comes down to what is inside of you. I can and will give you the answers you are looking for but you first must decide to take that first step. Maybe you have been burned before like me and you are skeptical I can understand that. All I am asking from you is to see if what I am saying is true.I am going to tell you for 2 dollars what people have paid thousands of dollars to find out. Think about that for a moment and really let it sink in. Are you looking for some kind of irresistible offer? Folks, I am not here to convince you to join me. I am here to help you. If you read this far down that means inside of you there is a real desire to make money online. I am offering you a real chance to do it. There are so many offers online that promise this and that but none of them deliver. Do you know why? Because they don't address your real problems. They try and offer you solutions without knowing your problem. That is why so many people fail at online marketing. I actually know what your problem is because I have been in your shoes. Stop looking for the perfect online business it doesn't exist. What does exist is real people who care about making a difference in peoples' lives . Success can happen for you and you will never have to do this on your own. You will have full support from me and my upline. I very carefully chose the team that I am working with. They are the best of the best and have the biggest hearts in the world.
I am sure you are wondering if we can really help you. Stop wondering and take action. The longer you do nothing the longer nothing will happen. Massive online success is waiting for you. Click here and get started today!

One of my favorite quotes is this: "Your dreams are the fuel that fire desire."
Still not sure? Why don’t you call me or email me and let me answer any questions you have so you can make an intelligent decision. Fair enough?

Kind Regards,

Linda Eisenbeis,
1 253 858-4998 Pacific time zone
skype linda.eisenbeis

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