Friday, July 25, 2008

Have You Heard About ZenZuu?

How Would You Like To Be Rewarded For Helping People Earn An Income!

If they earn one dollar, You earn one dollar. If they earn $5.00, you earn $5.00. And so on and so on.
Well let me tell you about ZenZuu The FREE Social Network that shares 80% of it's advertising revenue with you and I, and all you have to do to qualify is to become a FREE member. All you have to do to become a FREE member is to log in 30X in one month. You can do this in one day, one week or throughout the month, doesn't matter.

Now, if you're serious about making money then enroll 2 members and get paid 10 levels deep. You are the first level and then 9 more levels down of the people you enrolled, that they enrolled, that they enrolled, all the way down. This could mean 100s of 1000s of people for you.

Now, if you are really serious and want to change your financial future then enroll at least 10 people. Then you can get qualified for a matching bonus on the 10th level and you still get all of the people all the way up to the 10th level just for enrolling 10 active people personally! This means that you could have 10 thousand people on your level or perhaps 5 thousand or let's assume you just have 500 on your 10th level and they earned $50.00 per month. Well that would mean $25.000 for you. Not bad! What an amazing earning potential and the system is FREE. All you have to do is to log in 30X per month to retain your FREE MEMBERSHIP. That's it! And just think what would happen if these people were to do the same. Wow, don't miss out this amazing opportunity. Sign up now and check it out!

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